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Department of Health Logo MEDS for e-Filing at the Department of Health
Charles McKenzie help to rollout an electronic filing system at the Department of Health

IDeA Logo Creating Knowledge with the I&DeA
Charles McKenzie work with the Improvement and Development Agency to build Knowledge, a virtual network of 30,000 users

Warwick Map Connecting communities @ Warwickshire County Council
In line with implementing e-Government standards, Warwickshire County Council sought an innovative yet cost effective solution in connecting a web based applications, Warwickshire Communities, to their main Internet site. Through a competitive process, Charles McKenzie Consulting won the contract to work with WCC to develop a solution.

MHRA Logo Giving the health industry something MORE
The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) launch MORE – Manufacturer Online Reporting Environment, an initiative to optimise communication between Manufacturers and the Agency using the latest in Internet Technology.

Charles McKenzie Consulting Limited
John Eccles House
Oxford Science Park